Demonstrations and Protests: COVID-19 Recommendations


Effective social distancing is very difficult to maintain in crowds or large groups. It is important to consider your risk level and personal wellness before joining a protest or large gathering. If you are experiencing respiratory symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, fever, or other symptoms of COVID-19 please stay home to protect yourself and others in the community. Students should take precautions to protect themselves and others against COVID-19 during these activities. Additional resources regarding the Student Code for student activists can be found in the Student Code Protest Activities guide.

Before the Demonstration or Protest

  • Wear a cloth mask and cover your face as much as possible, including wearing eye protection or sunglasses. 
  • Research businesses that will have bathrooms available to protestors and note several options. 
  • Try to avoid crowded public transportation and opt to bike or walk to the protest location when possible. 
  • Prepare for the protest by packing supplies you will need for the duration of the event including:
    • Several bottles of water and snacks for yourself
    • Additional cloth masks in a Ziplock bag, as masks become ineffective when wet 
    • Hand sanitizer or single-use alcohol wipes
    • Rescue medication, as needed

During the Demonstration or Protest

  • Wear face masks and eye protection properly. Ensure that your eyes, nose, and mouth are covered.
  • Try to stay six feet apart as much as possible and travel in small groups. 
  • Keep moving and stay outdoors when in larger groups. 
  • Avoid sharing food or drinks, carrying other people’s signs, or sharing phones. 
  • Avoid touching your face or eyes without first washing or sanitizing your hands. 
  • Opt for displaying signs or using noisemakers instead of yelling or singing.

After the Demonstration or Protest

  • Wash your hands, shower, and change your clothing. 
  • Rest and remember to hydrate and eat. 
  • Stay in touch with the group of protestors you travelled with in case someone starts experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. 
  • Check in with how you are feeling and monitor your health for at least 14 days after the protest, if you are feeling sick contact the Health Center for a COVID-19 test screening. 
  • Practice self care and look after your mental health.