Fall Orientation

Congratulations on your acceptance to GW, and welcome! We are so excited to have you join our vibrant community and to be a part of the next cohort of leaders and changemakers that are developed here at GW.

In the sections below, you will find information that will be of great utility before you arrive at GW.

Updates from Orientation, your academic college, and other sources will be sent to your GW email address. Be sure to routinely check your email!

Students standing on the mall with the George mascot


Student on laptop viewing admitted student portal


The admitted student portal (where you located your Admissions decision) lists Next Steps, which includes creating your GW email (claiming your UserID and password) and registering for Orientation. 

Note: The email and password used to access your admitted student portal is your personal email and password (the one you used to create your GW college application).



Next Stop, GW! Logo


As you get ready to come to GW, you will receive periodic updates and notices via our Next Stop, GW! newsletter. Newsletters are archived on our website after they are sent.

Note: The first Next Stop, GW! newsletter goes to your personal email. All subsequent newsletters will be sent to your GW email address.



Students outside walking to a building




Cover of New Student Buff & Blue Book

The Buff & Blue Book is the comprehensive guide to GW! The Book has relevant and helpful information about academics, student support services, student well-being, living on-campus, navigating GW systems, student involvement, understanding campus resources, and more! The Buff & Blue Book will be available by mid-May.

You can also download an accessible PDF version of the Buff & Blue Book (when available).