Overview of Org Help

Org Help Availability

The Org Help Team is available Monday-Friday 12 PM - 7 PM. The Org Help Finance Team is available Monday-Friday 12 PM - 5 PM appointment only. Walk-ins are available for Org Help Finance on Fridays from 1 PM - 3 PM. You can email each respective team will any questions. 

What do staff advisors do? 

Staff Advisors provide support and guidance to your organization, student org leaders, and members on a range of topics. These topics include student organization policies and processes, conflict mediation, officer transition, fundraising, and recruitment. All student organizations will have full access to the Staff Advisors through Org Help or an assigned  Staff Advisor.

Who is my staff advisor? 

You can view your organization's staff advisor assignment in your organization's profile within Engage

  • If your group does not have an assigned Staff Advisor, the name will read "Org Help." 
    • This means that your organization should seek support from the Student Organization Virtual Office Hours and [email protected]
    • These modes of support are staffed and monitored daily by a large team of trained staff advisors and are designed to increase access to quality support and efficiency of service.

Org Help Support Areas

Org Help Advising: Assist with policies and procedures, contracts, event planning, group concerns, officer transitions, elections, Engage support

Org Help Finance: Make credit card purchases for approved requests, org revenue accounts, deposits, purchase requests, Engage finance tool questions

For any Org Help advising questions, reach out to [email protected]. For any Org Help Finance questions, reach out to [email protected].  

Note: For any questions about SGA co-sponsorships or budget requests, reach out to [email protected].